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정규 강의/Object-Oriented Data Structures in C++

C++ Copy Assignment Operator

Copy constructor vs. Assignment Operator


- A copy constructor creates. anew object.

- An assignment operator assigns a value to an existing object.

- An assignment operator is always called on an object that has already been constructed.



Assignment Operator


- The C++ operator automatically assigns one if not by a programmer


Custom Assignment Operator


- is a public member function of the class.

- has the function name operator=.

- has a return value of a reference of the class's type.

- has exaclty one argument.

- looks like

//↓ returns the class by reference "Cube&"
					//↓ has only one parameter "Cube& obj"
Cube& cube::operator=(const Cube &obj) {
    length_ = obj.length_;
    return *this; // returns an instance of the class

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