Multiplexing and Demultiplexing
- Multiplexing at sender: sending data from its own multiple applications through network
- Demultiplexing at receiver: delivering data packets to their appropriate receivers among its own multiple applications
- Theses are provided by the transport layer.
Port number
- different applications are assigned different port numbers
- transport layer segments have fields for source port and destination port numbers. so that each data goes to its destination.
- However, the transport layer must be instructed by the application which process on which host should be the destination.
- the mechanism of instructing transport layer is by socket
- is provided as the form of APIs by OS
- It is tiring for a programmer to develop all the network system on which her software sends and receives data.
- So normally OS provides APIs between transport layer and application layer.
- API stands for Application Program Interface which is function with which application can call to send data
- you can provide data and url in this API function.
- The set of these API functions is socket.
- Example of Simple Socket program
- [server]
- 1) import socket
- 2) ss.socket: create a server socket
- 3) ss.bind: assign IP Address and port number to the socket
- 4) ss.accept: accept connection request from client
- 5) ss.recv: receive data
- [client]
- 1) cs.socket: establish the connection/ create a client socket
- 2) cs.connect: request connection to ‘localhost’ of which port number is 8089
- 3) cs.send: send data
출처: k-mooc 컴퓨터 네트워킹, 부산대학교 유영환
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프로그램(program), 프로세스(process), 스레드(thread) (0) | 2019.10.09 |